We're going on a trip of a lifetime!
Are you in?

Get Ready! We're going on a trip of a lifetime, are you in?

If you're ready to say "yes" to your dreams and "no" to waiting for others to join you, you're in the right place! The One Girl Travel Club is a first-class membership that provides you with a life coach and a trip of a lifetime in one incredible experience!

Get ready to make the world your playground!

now boarding!

One Girl Travel Club

What would your life look like if you decided to become the main character of your life?

Seeing yourself as the main character means you are:
  • Living life on your terms
  • Taking significant action on your dreams
  • Not waiting around for someone else to join you
  • Having the confidence to be unapologetically yourself

Think about all the incredible experiences you will have, all the magical places you will explore, the life-changing relationships you will create, and every dream you will make come true if you decide that now is the right time to take center stage of your life.

Ready for your life to change?

Welcome to the

Who Should Join the One Girl Travel Club?

the one girl travel club is for you if:


You have the desire to have new experiences, and you're tired of waiting around for someone else to join you.


You've been waiting for the "right time" to take action, but it never seems to happen.


You no longer want to depend on others for your happiness.


You are ready to embrace and fall in love with yourself.

I would never do anything alone

Before I began solo traveling and working with my mentor, I was shy, timid, and self-conscious. I wouldn't even go to the mall by myself! But after my mentally-abusive relationship ended, I was lost and didn't know who I was any longer.  

I boldly decided to begin solo traveling, which completely changed my life.

Solo travel is so much more than a vacation. It is a physical experience of embracing discomfort, learning to be your own best friend, saying "yes" to new possibilities, and utilizing all those skills in your everyday life.

If shy, timid Alessia could make the decision to start creating the life of her dreams, so can you!

I know how you feel because...

A first-of-its-kind membership that focuses on empowering women to live a life of fun, freedom, and travel! In the One Girl Travel Club, you will find a community of like-minded women who are ready to make the world their playground.

one girl travel club


On the first of each month, a new class will be released for our members. From becoming your own best friend to how to meet new friends, from creating your dream adventure, to making your everyday life into your favorite destination, and so much more... you will learn how to make the world your playground with every monthly class.

I've included an accompanying workbook to help you implement the tools you will learn in the monthly class to help you dive deeper into the material and start taking action to make your dreams a reality.

Here's What You'll Recieve

Monthly Classes


feature one

feature two

As a bonus, you will receive a curated itinerary created for the One Girl Travel Club members each quarter. From a packing guide, to hotel recommendations, to the best restaurants, these itineraries will have everything you need to explore a new destination.

Quarterly Solo Travel Itinerary

feature four

Each month you will have the opportunity to be coached and have your questions answered by Alessia. All coaching sessions will be recorded for those who can not attend the sessions live.

Monthly Group Coaching Sessions

feature Three


Learn how to be your own best friend and favorite travel companion.

How does this sound?

Form deep connections and friendships with a community of like-minded women within the private Facebook group.



the results you're going to get:

The confidence to live life on your terms and not depend on anyone else for your happiness.


The ability to embrace the world around you while exploring new places, having incredible experiences, and meeting new people


Become a woman who no longer limits what she is capable of and celebrates every moment of being the main character of her life.


Yes, I'm in!

Kind Words

“Alessia has a rare gift of grace, being able to zero on the essential things and give you the tools to get it done in a real and thoughtful way. It was a clarifying, almost spiritual experience. I highly recommend Alessia of One Girl Travel, she has a rare gift to share

— Theresa

"I had an amazing time working with Alessia at One Girl Travel. She is so supportive, knowledgeable and easy to talk to and share with. She is compassionate and really takes her time to understand. She gave me really solid and practical advice for my upcoming trip as well as helped me to release some limiting beliefs around my fear of traveling alone. I’m excited to work with her again in the future.”"

— Krista

"Alessia has a very lovely, calming personality that grounds my scattered nature. She is able to think of solutions and poses questions to help me understand what I need to do to achieve my goals."

— ally


"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."

So let's get started!

How It Works

We will have a monthly topic with its own course and workbook that focuses on a new theme each month.

Monthly class

Each month there will be a group coaching call, where you can submit your questions and be coached live.

group coaching

You will develop meaningful friendships and receive support in the private One Girl Travel Club Lounge.


I created the One Girl Travel Club for the woman who:
  • Is uncomfortable doing things alone
  • Is sick of waiting around for someone to join her
  • Wants to take control of her life
  • Is ready to make her dreams a reality
  • Wants to have fun
  • Needs to reconnect with herself
  • Wants to make herself a priority
  • Is ready to fall in love with herself
  • Is excited to have new experiences

If you can relate to any of these statements, then you are in the right place!

Nobody begins a journey as an expert, but it is much easier (and more fun ) to embark on something new when you have someone supporting you. And my friend, that is precisely what I am here for.

You're in the right place.

When you sign up for the annual One Girl Travel Club membership, you will receive my Solo Selfie Masterclass for free! This Masterclass will show you everything you need to know about how to take the most extraordinary photos of yourself.

Strike a Pose!




"20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do."

— Mark twain

Feel comfortable doing absolutely anything you want in life, on your own.

Live life unapologetically by making the world your playground. 

Have the confidence to travel the world on your own.

Create meaningful relationships with women in the One Girl Travel Club community.

No longer feel the need to wait around for someone to join you.

Rediscover a relationship with yourself and honor her needs.

By the end of this, you will...

Enroll Now

I'm Alessia, your travel coach!

2012: I began solo traveling in and since that first trip, I have been hooked!

2013: I committed to working with my life coach and started doing the inner work I desperately needed.

2019: While on a retreat in Paris, I had the epiphany of knowing precisely what I was put on this Earth to do. That moment was the day One Girl Travel was born.

2021: I became a certified Martha Beck Life Coach and a Certified Travel Coach.

2022: The One Girl Travel Club has officially opened its doors!

timeline of How I got to this moment

Hi there!
I can't wait to see what the future holds!

but guess what...

Before I took my first solo trip, I was scared to do anything on my own.

 When I first began solo traveling, I didn't feel confident in my skin, was shy, and didn't know who I was.

I started solo traveling to re-discover myself, and what I found was much more than I could have ever expected.

I know the power solo travel brings to your life, and I'm here to share that knowledge with you. 

You can learn how I created a solo travel lifestyle for myself here.

The One Girl Travel Club is the only membership of its kind because...

it combines solo travel with life coaching

The two most essential elements of my life are solo traveling and life coaching. I know I would not be the person I am today without them.

That is why I combined the two for the One Girl Travel Club, where you get a coach and a trip of a lifetime in one experience.

You have support on your journey

You will always be supported on your journey by having direct access to me during group coaching sessions and the One Girl Travel Club Lounge on Facebook. 

Along with having my support as your coach, you will also discover an incredibly supportive community of like-minded women on their own journeys. 

Study at your own pace

new themes each month

a supportive community

monthly group coaching 

This program includes everything you need to make the world your playground!

It is time to jump in and say yes to your dreams. Whether it is traveling the world solo, not waiting around for someone to join you, or learning to become your own best friend, now is the time to finally take action. The One Girl Travel Club will provide you with everything you need to start living as the main character in your life, but it is up to you to do the work. You are worth the effort!

Taking action on your dreams

Booking that trip you've always wanted to take

Stop waiting around for someone to join you

Embracing new and exciting opportunities

Live the life you have always imagined for yourself

Get reacquainted with yourself and become your own best friend

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

Enroll Now

This is for you if:

You're ready to get comfortable being uncomfortable

You're not willing to be uncomfortable

YOu want an incredible relationship with yourself


you want to have fun

It's probably not for you if...

YOU don't want to be open to new experiences

Let's Do This Thing!

So what are you waiting for?

How does the One Girl Travel Club work?

It is an online membership, and you can subscribe monthly or annually. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in my membership?

As a member, you will receive access to me as your life coach, monthly class, workbook, live group coaching session, and access to the private lounge on Facebook.

Can I cancel my membership?

If you join with the monthly membership, you can cancel anytime. But, once you embark on the One Girl Travel Club journey ... I think you’ll want to stick around for a while! 

I have so much going on in my life, will I have enough time for this?

The beauty of this membership is that you can go at your own pace. Plus, you can return to any of the content as needed for as long as you remain a member.

I already have people to travel with, so why would I want to travel solo?

Solo travel has nothing to do with anyone but yourself. It's a complete experience of growth, support, self-love, independence, and being self-sufficient.

Is it really worth $97 a month?

If you think about how much you spend in a month, a $97 investment in creating a life of freedom is one of the best investments you could ever make.

I already do things by myself. Is this membership for me?

Yes! Congratulations on already being one step ahead, but there is always more to learn. The membership takes a deep approach not only to solo travel but also to mindset, goal setting, conquering limiting beliefs, and so much more.

Is this membership only for people who want to solo travel?

Although this membership is focused on solo traveling, the work we will do is much more than going on a vacation. And this membership is for anyone who wants to fully enjoy their life on their terms.