solo travel

Table For…One?

January 31, 2019

When you travel alone, more times than not, you will be dining by yourself. Personally, I love dining solo. I find that it allows me to truly savor and enjoy my meal.

To limit distractions I try not to fuss with my phone. I know what it is like to have people look at you strangely when you are sitting alone at a restaurant, and when I start to feel awkward I will keep checking my phone…which makes me look even more nervous. Having the courage to travel alone and do things by myself did not come easy for me. I was always shy and timid when it came to new situations, but I forced myself to step outside of my comfort zone so I could experience the things that I wanted to do. So, moral of the story is: fake it until you make it. Eat the meal alone, and pretend you feel comfortable, because I promise you, it will become easier, and you will eventually find pleasure in dining alone.

  • If you don’t feel comfortable enough to sit through a meal without something to occupy your mind, it is totally acceptable to bring a book.
  • The bonus of dining alone besides enjoying your own company, is the ease of getting a seat (or a bar stool) at almost any restaurant.
  • If you absolutely do not want to sit alone to eat, there are plenty of restaurants that offer shared tables (usually found in the bar areas) or let the host/hostess know that you would be willing to sit with another solo diner.

Let me know in comments if you have a favorite restaurant you enjoy dining solo at, or your experiences of dining solo!

You got this!


“Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone, to experience, appreciate and love yourself.”
― Robert Tew


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